Store https://coinop.studio Blog/Portfolio https://coinopanimator.com

So, What does COINOP.STUDIO actually do?

This Website supplies DIGITAL DOWNLOADS intended to be printed on your own 3d Printer or we can PRINT ON DEMAND the files for you and ship out the item to you if you are in the UK.

These are the two main products. They can be seen on our main shop page here.

What is Print on Demand?

When you order a Print on Demand item, that item is added to a print queue and your item is constructed to order. Each product is printed using FDM or Resin based technology depending on the products needs. The upshot of this means that we don’t need to carry stock or overproduce items that contribute to waste and cost. We can also tailor the model to meet the needs of a specific individual and we can do that fast and without the environmental impact that large factories and heavy machinery cost.

It also means that you are buying direct from the creators supporting local, human businesses.

So what that means for you is…

We can tailor this item to your specific needs.

 CoinOP is here to help so if you want a product shipped to your country outside the UK, maybe you have a particular filament in mind, or maybe you need a custom size or something we haven’t even thought off then please contact us a soon as possible and we will work to make that happen. 

More info and Frequently Asked Questions can be found here

or you can start browsing here.

and if you scroll to the bottom of each page the will be links to our Privacy, Policy, Contact Page and more.

Who is the CoinopAnimator?

Hi there! My name is Zig and I’m an Animator (CG/Moho) and digital sculptor and this is my little shop showcasing some of my original work for download (for 3d printing at home) and print on demand for those who would rather we print you item.

For a long while I would design a creature, show it to a few friends then file it away in a draw never to be seen again. At some point I started sharing my work online, but there’s something magical about holding a creature you’ve designed, in you hands. I always thought if only I could make that leap and do just that.

Then I discovered 3d Printing, Nomad Sculpt and here we are.

You can sign up to COINOP.STUDIOs newsletter plus there’s Patreon, Buy me a Coffee or I even have a Maker World page for the Bambu crowd.

What’s more, If you want to get a little more personal you can hop on to my personal website or follow me via more socials to experience and become part of this amazing journey.

I love making short films and sculpting and this new chapter in my life is making me happy beyond belief. I hope that by offering some of my creations I can share that joy of creation let my creatures out of their drawer and go places I can only dream of.

Have a great  day and be good to each other
