2d Print on Demand items are not available for this offer. Offer ends 28/02/2025.


CoinOP’s Services and Products Include Original 3d Print Files, Print on Demand
Commissions, Resin, FDM AND Now WE can print your files too.

Services also available on the CoinOP Etsy store.

DOWNLOADS – 3d Printables

STLs suitable for printing on an FDM or a Resin Printer – See Item’s Description for details.

Many items are also available on Maker World, Printables and NOW ETSY!


Coming Soon

PHYSICAL – 3d Print on Demand

Don’t have a 3d Printer? Don’t worry CoinOP can print it for you. Fan of a Particular Filament or Resin ? Let us know in advance and we’ll source it and print it.

Please note – Right now we primarily FDM print in PLA it’s derivatives including Glow in the Dark and TriColour. Get in touch or leave a note when ordering to let CoinOP know what colour your want. ALSO MINI’s printing service will be here and on Etsy Real soon. Just send me your Miniature STLS and I’ll print and ship them to you at 20um Resolution.


More to Come. Stay tuned.

PHYSICAL – 2d Print on Demand


So, What does COINOP.STUDIO actually do?

This Website supplies DIGITAL DOWNLOADS intended to be printed on your own 3d Printer or we can PRINT ON DEMAND the files for you and ship out the item to you if you are in the UK.

These are the two main products. They can be seen on our main shop page here. We also do a limited range of 2d Prints.

What is Print on Demand?

When you order a Print on Demand item, that item is added to a print queue and your item is constructed to order. Each product is printed using FDM or Resin based technology depending on the products needs. The upshot of this means that we donโ€™t need to carry stock or overproduce items that contribute to waste and cost. We can also tailor the model to meet the needs of a specific individual and we can do that fast and without the environmental impact that large factories and heavy machinery cost.

It also means that you are buying direct from the creators supporting local, human businesses.

So what that means for you isโ€ฆ

We can tailor this item to your specific needs.

 CoinOP is here to help so if you want a product shipped to your country outside the UK, maybe you have a particular filament in mind, or maybe you need a custom size or something we havenโ€™t even thought off then please contact us a soon as possible and we will work to make that happen. 

More info and Frequently Asked Questions can be found here

Ciao for now,


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*When you have confirmed your email you’ll receive a unique code that’ll allow you one free digital download (1x item) of your choice. Just add the code at check out. Code works for digital downloads only and is limited to a single use per user.

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